Your Guide to Budget-Friendly Gear for DIY Video Production
In today’s world, it isn’t out of the ordinary for our clients to film their own content for social media and have us edit the footage...
Phil Watson
Feb 14, 20223 min read

Social Media Graphics: 5 Simple Tips for the Non-Designer
Making social media graphics can be hard sometimes, especially for someone not familiar with social media or graphic design...
Sidney Meyers
Feb 11, 20226 min read

On-set with Systemax: 7 Tips to Prepare You for Lights, Camera, Action!
Well, the time has come. You’ve made the cut to be the next movie star for your company with an on-camera appearance!
Phil Watson
Feb 2, 20223 min read

What is a brand, exactly?
Brand is a word that gets tossed around a lot, especially in the marketing industry, but you may have wondered from time to time...
Jeniffer Stump
Jan 28, 20223 min read

Bitmap and Vector: What’s the difference and which format is best when it comes to logos?
Bitmap and vector. Vector and bitmap. Two file formats that, from the outside, don’t seem all that different.
Kaitlyn Ruben
Jan 19, 20223 min read

Graphic Design Trends: 5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Graphics Fresh in 2022
Wondering how to upgrade your graphics to stay on-trend as you leap into the new year? These simple graphic design trends will keep your mar
Sidney Meyers
Jan 12, 20225 min read